29 Viva Costa del Sol

After having spent two weeks in the Netherlands we came back to Gibraltar to find Kabaal and a freshly repaired sail. It seemed easy to put it back on the boom but then something went wrong: one of the reeflines accidentally got pulled out and it needed a lot of clever thinking and patience and… Continue reading 29 Viva Costa del Sol

28 First touch of Andalucia and safe passage to Gibraltar

The famous white villages of the national parc ‘sierra de Grazalema’ lured us into mainland Andalucia. By car we visited the beautiful mountain range strewn with picturesque pueblos blancos. The villages have been inhabited by Romans, Moors and Visigoth and have been painted white since the 14th century. Their steep and narrow alleyways make it… Continue reading 28 First touch of Andalucia and safe passage to Gibraltar

27 Four amazing crews cruising along the Algarve

In March, early April we had the wonderful opportunity of having some our favourite family and friends flying in for a few days wandering along this beautiful coast. The travel stories have been captured in the last four posts, here is the movie. Just click on the title to enjoy.

25 Spicy crew on board

We were very happy with the invitation of Bob and Aleid, when they invited us to visit them in Portugal to board the Kabaal for a couple of days. Therefore we travelled late March to Faro. Unfortunately, the weather conditions weren’t that good when we arrived on Thursday, it was raining and quite windy, but… Continue reading 25 Spicy crew on board

24 Marco and Liesbeth on board: a joyful immersion in the cruising life

During March 2022 we (Marco & Liesbeth) spent 5 lovely days  aboard of the Kabaal with our friends Bob and Aleid. Although the weather forecast wasn’t really optimistic we were very satisfied with the good winds and random sunny weather (and after some raindrops you enjoy the sun even more). After checking in at Vilamoura… Continue reading 24 Marco and Liesbeth on board: a joyful immersion in the cruising life

23 Algarve in early spring

Hibernating turned out to be a festive December month with happy family reunions. Skiing in Italy and Norway where we visited our son and more family members and visiting even more family in Madrid and Extremadura. Time to get back to Kabaal and rest I thought. This was not the case however, it was rather… Continue reading 23 Algarve in early spring