A fierce Mistral was blowing for days now, the weather was still not in our favour so we made the most of it and had a final hike in the mountains of our beloved Sardegna.

Finally after a nights crossing of 130 NM we dropped our sails in the Tiber river to enter the port of Ostia. With our rental car Bob blended into the Italian traffic smoothly and found his way miraculously in the spaghetti like road network of Rome.

Time to visit the Colosseum, one of the most impressive remains of the Roman Empire.

We loved the austere beauty of the Santa Sabina church and its peaceful interior. It is almost unbelievable that it dates from the 5th century.

The city of Rome is a beautiful place to wander around with its piazzas, fountains and many trees.

In the villa Borghese the craftsmanship of Bernini shows in his incredibly realistic and beautiful statues.

Leaving Rome and its overwhelming sights we set out to Ponza, a small Island in the Tyrrhanean sea. Since it was well before the tourist season started we easily found a good spot to drop our anchor and explore the place.

The locals at Ponza told us we shouldn’t miss the neighbouring Island Palmarola so Kabaal sailed over for lunch and enjoyed the incredible scenery. Once again there was no other boat in sight and we had the place to ourselves. Or so we thought when a fast rib of the Guardia di Finanza approached and wanted to see our paper work. Surely they must have been pleased to finaly find a boat they could check.

And below a new video episode